Last Day Prep

The last day before a trip can be hectic. Follow with me as I attempt to document everything that Vicki and I do during this day. Hold on to your hats!

5:15 AM Alarm sounds. Jack Black the rooster is already crowing outside, and soon Rocky will join him in the morning chorus. Pull ourselves from a nice warm bed. Vicki cooks chorizo and eggs to go into breakfast wraps. I’m in the shower. Check the internet weather and make sure there are no important emails. Feed and check on the animals: 1 dog, 3 cats, 13 grown chickens, 3 adolescent chicks in a brooder, 9 bitties in a cardboard brooder and turn the eggs in the incubator. Did I mention that we have become chicken ranchers? I get all the morning duties done and begin the 30 minute drive to work and Vicki starts in on wrapping.

12:00 Noon I’m here at work and truly this is the 1st time I have gotten to actually do anything besides work. I have spent the entire morning finishing up a quote for a customer that needs to be finished before I leave. It is done, and as I each lunch, I type. Now comes time to prep my boss on everything I’m working on so if my customers call next week……… and also – CLEAN my cubicle.

Vicki is at Walmart killing 4-5 birds with one stone. Tires are being rotated on the van, buying several more pairs of PJs, a few cards for the family of a friend whose father passed, and going to the bank.  Then she will start packing clothes.

OK………Its 8 days later…..and I’m just now finishing this!  Reason?  Got so busy on the last day, that I just didnt have time to document anything else!!!!!!


December 5, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment